Saturday, January 28, 2012

Clathrin coated pits won't accept that much LDL

.......and dish racks will not accept dirty dishes.

It seems that one is always destined to live with the people that are exactly opposite from you. For the past three years now, I've had to deal with at least one person who, for whatever reason, does not wash their dishes by day's end.

My cousin told me her stories of dealing with those kinds of people. Basically, nothing she did worked. So she ended up moving out.

This is totally coming from an only child who never had chores, never got yelled at to do dishes since Mom always did them for everyone. Yet, when I moved out, I did my kitchen stuff with no complaint. The dishes are washed and either in the rack or put away by the time I go to bed. The only time that didn't happen was when I was seriously ill last year, and sleeping all the time.
I just fail to understand why washing dishes after you use them is not second nature. And leaving dirty dishes out is not only nasty, it's just plain rude. You're taking up space for everyone else, and I can easily knock things over when I reach over those damn things to get to my own bowls and cups.

But, apparently, if you tell people that, they'll go right on doing it anyway.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Funny how things are

I always think it's funny how people think of actually killing the animal used for meat as gross, yet they don't mind eating said meat. I notice it more with the meats I don't eat (beef and pork) rather than the ones I do (fowl and fish). I have no problem seeing videos of any of the above animals being killed for food, polpescetarian animals or not. I obviously don't like the slaughter, but I can see that and still eat some animals. Well, not ones that give you either trichinosis or mad cow. I had no problem with pig dissections, yet people who ate the pig had so much problem with it. Funny. Hypocritical, actually. You eat the thing and you don't want to think about how it got on your plate......

Though quite honestly, I should probably cut out the fowl and eat the fish as that is better for you. That is not vegetarian by my definition. Vegetarian is not eating animals.

Regardless, I am done eating meat for the week. Huge frickin' serving at the cheesecake factory. Bhaji, rice and dal never looked so good.