Saturday, October 1, 2011

Food for thought

I once read in one of those "get ready for college books" that the people you were friends with your first year sometimes aren't the ones around by the end of college. Mostly, this hasn't applied to me---the people I was friends with my first year are still around, and I'm not talking just "hi" friends. There is one girl who still thinks that we are friends exactly the same as we were first year, and though I'm still her friend, I just sort of want to be her study buddy for MCB classes and nothing else, though I'm not really sure how to go about doing that.

There is one girl, though, I think that this applies to.

This is the girl who I lived side by side with my first semester here, then visited all the time second semester---this kid who never caused trouble, loved animals, wanted to be a vet. She happened to go to Australia .....and that's when I think things changed. She started getting better grades when she started drinking (reward system?), and did some very stupid things in the process. The main turning point was when she brought back a random guy without my notice at night, when I told her that this would be a problem...if she wasn't going to respect my and Tessa's policy, what else did she not respect? She didn't help when I got sick, though others---including ones who probably shouldn't have dropped by---did. And when she got her purse stolen upon her partying with people she didn't know, she had the guts to say that my situation (I was still on Valium) was easier than hers. I knew right then that if that's the kind of person she was going to be, she didn't need to be my roommate or my friend any longer----good grades did not always equal good person. The last time I spoke to her in person was when I gave her her tests back in August. It was then that I found out she doesn't want to go to vet school anymore. (but is still same major.) Her roommate this year is graduating, and is doing research/other stuff---still parties but is responsible about it. I don't really know her third roommate. Suffice it to say she moved away from her Texan friends and ended up becoming exactly like them.

It does still sort of sting to know that this is one friendship I should not have made. Then again, I realize that even the most in-tight friends will drift apart after awhile. After all, nothing endures but change, which must mean friendships will fade into nothing eventually. People move, people change, people die.

Thankfully, my other friends have so far kept me sane and made me realize that one bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch.

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