Monday, May 14, 2012


Is very crucial for a passage based test.  And finding out what's wrong with a patient.

I also know once and for all I cannot do geriatrics.  It's bad enough dealing with my dad, who thinks he can now do anything he wants and get away with it since he is old.  At least, people at FSU, and my mom, are standing up to him.  He doesn't like it, but that's his problem.  But I know there are old men who don't act like a curmudgeon all the time too.  They just have Alzheimer's, that's all.  And that's sad.

Even if it's just for the votes he may or may not get in November, I'm glad Obama at least made a statement supporting gays' rights to marry.  I see no reason why I should treat gay people differently from anyone else, though I can definitely see how religious leaders would have a problem with it.

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