Monday, February 13, 2012


I get to catch up on biochem, because for the past week I was studying.....biochem. Not like IUB does anything for actually learning anything about membranes.
I went home this weekend. I shouldn't have. Dad blew up at me because I told him to please leave the doorway so I could walk through it. Yes, really. According to him, I'm just an arrogant, useless college student like everyone else he deals with, and that I should still listen to everything he says because he is never wrong, and that I've had my second strike; apparently my first was before I turned six years old. Hmm. I wonder why his grad students never talk to him anymore. Too bad if you mention that to him, he nearly throws you out of the house. And apparently, you're supposed to remember everything wrong the other person ever did. Whatever happened to the whole "forgive of past sins" thing?

I realize I should be grateful that I have parents who let me even visit home. But when going home turns into the man of the house blowing up at both me and my mother for no reason, why even bother?

The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget. I make every effort to fall in the latter category, though I will admit forgiveness is not easy.
I forgive people who blow up. But I can't forget. I have to stand up for myself in some way.

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