Friday, April 6, 2012

What to write..

MCAT practice takes awhile. Like, give up your day awhile. I'll finish the other portion of the verbal in the morning and the practice test on Sunday. Need to do another full practice test this week after catching up on the physics.

Some verbal sections are really hard. Physical sciences I expected that, but the thing is, you can learn it again because you've already seen it once. You practice till you're sick of it for all of them though, just so you can not miss them on the day of.

I may have to finish the class for MCAT in Tallahassee, and make trips to TPR center to see people for my individual problems or something, since I'll be studying from the minute I get home. I'm not having a life till after the exam anyway (more specifically, when I get out of the exam on June 21 at 2 pm.) Whatever. I can ramp up the clinical hours when I return from Vegas and before I go to Chile, assuming I go (still need to schedule that Spanish test). And of course, I have to do it senior year anyhow since I'm minding the gap.

On top of all of this, I still need to pull an A in viro somehow (biochem is looking like B unless everyone fails the last exam and I somehow decide to study 14 days ahead instead of 7.) And generally finish out the semester. Write MEL papers, and all of that.

I also need to figure out GRE, since I've already told myself I'm taking that exam as well (have to have a safety net.) When exactly, I don't know. I know for that one I'm doing preparation in Tallahassee, though. And buy the books for fall and spend the week before school reading them a little. Well, one I already have. So.

I really am boring.

Except for the part where Rebe is making recipes for desserts and cocktails. Hmm. Those could be a welcome treat.

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